FRONTLINE POLITEIA: Community needs for prevention-related data collection and training
This report summarises the findings from interviews and surveys done with local level prevention professionals as part of the Frontline Politeia project. The report describes the current state of prevention work and related data collection in the participating communities from 8 European countries, as well as their needs for further prevention-related data collection and training.
Raport võtab kokku Frontline Politeia projekti raames kohaliku tasandi spetsialistidega tehtud intervjuude ja küsitluste tulemused, andes ülevaate projektis osalevate kogukondade ennetustöö ja sellega seotud andmete kogumise hetkeseisust ning vajadustest seoses andmekogumise ja koolitusega.
Raportile on lisatud eestikeelne kokkuvõte.